Good Sport was an art space in Wagga Wagga, NSW. Launching in 2021, it was a joint initiative between James Farley and Kate Allman, operating out of their home in Turvey Park.

Good Sport existed to provide opportunities for local artists to connect and explore new ideas. We offered space, encouraged connection, and facilitated creative exchange.

Our program featured two recurring events:

First Friday at 40B – exhibitions, performances, and events on the First Friday of every month.

Thirsty Work – a social event in partnership with our local brewery, Thirsty Crow*, to encourage and celebrate connection, collaboration and friendship between artists, creative professionals, and our supporters across our region.

During 2021, we held 8 “Thirsty Work Events” and 4 “First Friday" events. This all took place around and between COVID-19 lockdowns. Good Sport went into hibernation in 2022.

*James and Kate thank the team at Thirsty Crow for sponsoring this initiative.


F.Stop Workshop


Many Hands Art Centre